Personal Protective Equipment

It is the responsibility of PIs and supervisors to ensure lab personnel consistently use PPE appropriate to the identified hazards. This is especially critical for eye protection - failure to wear eye protection or using incorrect eye protection (i.e. safety glasses instead of goggles for liquid splash hazards) have been consistent findings in multiple EH&S investigations of near-miss incidents over the last several years.  PIs and supervisors are expected to communicate clear rules on PPE usage to their personnel, monitor compliance, and enforce satisfactory PPE standards through retraining, or retraining plus disciplinary measures in cases of persistent non-compliance.

Lab Coat Services
USC EH&S provides lab coat purchase, loaner, and laundering services, available at

Respirator Procedures
Prior to using a respirator, the user must be enrolled in the USC Respiratory Protection Program, which entails medical clearance, annual training, respirator fit testing, and monthly equipment inspection. Contact Lawrence Bergenfield at or (213) 379-1006 or training and fit testing with your respirator.

Published on December 10th, 2017

Last updated on January 20th, 2023